if you’ve found me you will bE…

A 35mm (or 120) nerd

A couple who loves the analogue look

curious about the benefits of 35mm wedding photography

(Or randomly came across the site on Google search)

here are my reason’s why i think the way i do.

I choose film because it haS;

  • A Unique and timeless look: 35MM Film photography AT WEDDINGS has a PARTICULAR look that can't be replicated digitally. I’VE TRIED IN LIGHTROOM, GOT CLOSE BUT FAILED. IT’S BECAUSE The colours are richer, the tones are deeper, the grain adds a sense of texture and depth. Kind of like a wedding photography version of vinyl. BLACK AND WHITE FILM AT WEDDINGS (WELL, NOT JUST WEDDINGS) WHETHER IT BE the grain structure

  • Creativity and experimentation: 35MM Film photography (NOT TO FORGET 120 FILM) forces you to be more creative and experimental. You can't just snap away and hope for the best. You have to think about your subject and really consider the exposure, composition, and development.

  • Authenticity: Film photography is more authentic than digital photography. There's no editing or retouching, so you're getting the real thing.

  • Some of the cameras I use create beautiful and unpredictable images - something i doubt that Photoshop A.I can match.

  • You will walk away with a collection of unique images that very few couple's will have, like a contact sheet - something tangible and beautiful.

If you book me, rest assured you'll be in good hands, you won't need to worry about anything photography related, you can focus on everything else. I'm not just going to take a deposit and hear from me again in the week before, I'll be with you every step of the way.